Vote at Spring 2013 MNEA Representative Assembly

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A generation from now

A generation from now – what will be said of our time?  Public education faces unprecedented challenges.  Will future generations see our time as the deserved end to a failed public education system?  Or will they wonder at our fortitude defending the foundation of democratic society?
A generation from now – what will be said of the leaders of our time?  The challenges faced by public education are well-known.  We cannot claim to be surprised at the scope and ferocity of the attacks.  We need leaders who are prepared to meet these challenges and who can envision a path forward for our profession and Association.
Forty years ago, the founders of MNEA had to make difficult choices about the direction of a new Association.  In 2013, we will elect a new generation of leaders who must create new opportunities for our Association, our profession and our students. I believe that my background as well as my local and state experience uniquely prepares me to take an active role as NEA Director.  I ask for your vote.
For more information about how I will STAND UP and SPEAK OUT for Missouri educators and our students, please visit


The above is my "official" candidate statement that appears in MNEA's "Something Better" magazine (Spring 2013).

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