Vote at Spring 2013 MNEA Representative Assembly

Teaching Philosophy

I am a professional educator who teaches all middle school students to think, respond and communicate about what they read.

As a professional, I will:

  • Use "best practices" which are supported by research and experience.
  • Belong to and involve myself with relevant professional organizations.
  • Seek out professional development opportunities to support my growth as an educator.

As an educator, I will:

  • Remember that I am not just teaching reading – I am teaching students. 
  • Assess students in multiple ways in order to gain a better picture of their understanding and knowledge.
  • Instruct students how to gain meaning from non-fiction texts, including primary sources.
  • Design lessons that encourage high-level thinking.
  • Create connections between areas of the curriculum.

As a middle school educator, I will:

  • Design lessons that are developmentally appropriate and interesting for adolescents.
  • Manage the classroom to assist students with their developmental transitions.
  • Assist parents and students with issues related to adolescence.
  • Remember that “rules without relationships result in rebellion.”

As a literacy educator, I will: 

  • Remember that no matter their future decisions, ALL my students will participate in some way in our democracy and must be ready for their job as a citizen.
  • Establish a classroom climate where students experience and practice democratic behaviors, cooperative decision-making, and critical thinking.
  • Make lessons and provide readings which are relevant to the lives of my students.
  • Teach students how to evaluate information critically and competently.
  • Demonstrate how to manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources.
  • Model how to use technology to communicate ideas.

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