Vote at Spring 2013 MNEA Representative Assembly

Local Association Experience

Independence NEA (INEA)

Local President, 2007-2011

     - Coordinated the successful petition drive to initiate representation election (2008)
     - Local obtained signatures from over 75% of bargaining unit
     - Oversaw local's successful efforts to win election as exclusive representative
     - Local received 68% of the votes - well in excess of percentage of membership
     - Led local during district's annexation of 6 Kansas City public schools
     - Led local during school board elections and bond election

Negotiations Chairperson, 2007-2010
     - Negotiated first collectively bargained agreement for INEA (2009)
     - Communicated with bargaining unit regarding negotiation progress
     - Drafted local's negotiation proposals and supporting rationales
     - Secured a 4.57% raise and benefit enhancement (2008)
     - Helped design process for election of exclusive representative

Middle School Director, 2006-2007

Building Representative, 2010-present

NEA Representative Assembly
     - Local Delegate, Philadelphia, 2007
     - Local Delegate, Chicago, 2011

MNEA Representative Assembly
     - Delegate, multiple Fall and Spring RAs

INEA Appointments to District-wide committees

PBTE Review Committee, 2011-present
     - Helped protect evaluation process
     - Advocated for more consistency and principal accountability
     - Encouraged teachers to take a more active role in their evaluation
     - Attended DESE training on the Missouri Model Teacher Evaluation

Calendar Committee, 2006-2008
     - Developed district academic calendar

Teacher Advisory Council, 2006-2007
     - Served as the middle school representative

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