Vote at Spring 2013 MNEA Representative Assembly

Awards and Recognitions

California Casualty Grant, 2013

     - Awarded $300 to purchase nonfiction and historical fiction for classroom library.

Technology Academy, 2011-2012
Independence School District

     - Awarded $1,400 to purchase instructional technology for the classroom
     - Participated in 50 hours of professional development and collaboration

Shirley Cromer Leadership Award, Fall 2010
Missouri National Education Association

Outstanding Beginning Teacher, 2006
Missouri Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (MACTE)

     - Selected by Avila University as its outstanding graduate student in education

Great IDEAS Award, 2004-2005
Ewing Kauffman Fund for Greater Kansas City

     - Awarded $2,300 to develop an integrated unit on forensic science and the legal system

Faculty Fellowship, 2002-2003
School Board, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph

     - Awarded $750 to implement the "Study of Heroes" unit in middle school

Participant, July 2002
Bearing Witness:  Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Contemporary Issues
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.

     - Selected as one of 50 participants from across US and Canada
     - Attended week-long seminar at Holocaust Memorial Museum and other sites
     - Awarded $1,000 Nathan Fellowship for best curriculum proposal

Great IDEAS Award, 2002-2003
Ewing Kauffman Fund for Greater Kansas City

     - Awarded $1,300 to design and facilitate a series of six parent workshops on discipline, teenage sexuality and Internet safety

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