Vote at Spring 2013 MNEA Representative Assembly

State Association Experience

MNEA Board of Directors
Governance District 4 Director, 2012-present

Legislative Committee Chairperson, 2010-2012
Member, 2009

     - Presented Legislative Platform for approval at the Fall MNEA Representative Assembly
     - Provided information to delegates regarding issues contained in the Platform
     - Facilitated committee's discussion of legislative issues
     - Worked with Legislative Director to prioritize the work of the committee

Shirley Cromer Leadership Award, Fall 2010

Education Transformation Task Force
Member, 2009 - 2011

     - Examined MNEA's position on a variety of issues regarding educational transformation
     - Determined the "building blocks" for transforming public schools
     - Produced MNEA's position paper on Professional Compensation (April 2010)
     - Produced final report on Educational Transformation (April 2011)

Media Relations Cadre, 2012-present

NEA Observer, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
University of Central Missouri, October 2009
Southeastern Missouri University, October 2010
Missouri State University, November 2011

     - Reviewed data to evaluate the effectiveness of professional education program
     - Interviewed faculty, students, student teachers, cooperating teachers and supervisors
     - Provided the local context of educational practice to the Board of Examiner team
     - Provided editing assistance to Board of Examiners tea

NEA Representative Assembly
State Delegate, Washington, D.C., 2008
State Delegate, New Orleans, 2010
State Delegate, Washington, D.C., 2012
State Delegate, Atlanta, 2013

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